Please click the button below in order to log in and review or change your emergency alert contact information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Although college campuses are usually safe places, emergencies and disasters do occur. UGA is committed to keeping you as safe as possible through effective communication prior to, during, and following emergencies. UGAAlert allows you to receive emergency messages on multiple devices. You can receive notifications from UGAAlert on one landline phone number, two mobile phone numbers (text and voice), and receive alerts on three e-mail addresses. To register, you must have a valid UGAMyID.
The UGAAlert desktop application will display a pop-up of the UGAAlert message during an emergency. The application can be downloaded from
Additional information about an emergency will be posted on as it becomes available. You can also get updates from UGA蓝小灯破解版 through twitter on the following accounts: @UGAAlert, @Universityofga, and @UGAOEP.
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- Login using the button above.
- At the top of the page next to My Account you will see a tab for 蓝小灯破解版. Click on that tab and then check the box that corresponds with the campus for which you want to receive alerts.
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UGAAlert is the name chosen by UGA for the emergency mass notification system made available through the vendor, Rave Mobile Safety. Effective communication is one of the major challenges in emergency management.UGAAlert will be used to improve our ability to communicate prior to, during, and after emergencies. UGA students, faculty, and staff with a valid MyID can register up to three telephone numbers and two email addresses to receive emergency alerts. The system can push out thousands of messages within minutes.
UGAAlert messages are sent via voice phone call, text messaging, e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, and the UGAAlert Desktop application.
Messages are posted to the following twitter accounts: @universityofga, @ugaoep, and @ugaalert.
The UGAAlert Desktop application can be obtained from
In order to better trouble shoot problems, you may be asked to confirm your phone number. You can still receive an alert even if your phone number is not confirmed. Confirming your phone number will assist us with troubleshooting problems, but it is not required to receive an alert.
UGAAlert will not be used for non-emergency notifications such as lane closures, crime updates, inclement weather closings, localized building emergencies, situations that have been contained, situations where a threat does not exist, rumor control, situations where notification is merely a convenience or other situations whenArchNewsis the most appropriate communication method.
UGA蓝小灯破解版will not replace ArchNews for non-urgent messages.
UGAAlert will be tested twice a year—during the February severe weather drill and again near the beginning of the fall semester.
As information becomes available during an emergency, updated information can be found at
In the event that you are a UGA student, faculty, or staff member and see the error message: "TheMyIDyou entered is not eligible for self-registration to UGA蓝火丁破解", you will need to contact the EITS Helpdesk at706-542-3106 or for further evaluation of your account information.
Departmental, Organizational, or Test MyIDs that are not associated with a specific individual are not eligible for UGA安卓蓝火丁破解.
Each registrant can list one voice phone number, get text messages on three phone numbers, and receive e-mails on three e-mail addresses.
Definitely. At any time, you can log into the UGAAlert system at and change your contact information. Since you register using your MyID, you will be recognized upon reentry. You may then update your information.
However, to be sure the system is working properly and to remind enrollees to check their contact information for accuracy. Two test messages will be sent each year. One will be initiated in connection with the annual statewide severe weather drill in February and the other will occur near the beginning of fall semester.
Our vendor for UGAAlert uses several shortcodes for sending text messages. This is done so that a large number of text messages can be sent quickly. A text message from UGA安卓蓝火丁破解 may come from any of the following shortcodes: 226787, 67283, 78015, 81437, and 22911.
You should take the warning very seriously as this system will only be used when there is an immediate threat. Follow the instructions provided and take immediate action. Never attempt to go past barricaded areas.
For students, only a local phone number and a UGA e-mail address are included in the system. For staff, only a work phone number and a UGA e-mail address are included. It is important that users verify the accuracy of this automated process.
Users will receive an e-mail letting them know that they are set to be purged from
the system one week prior to their purge date. Users who are set to be purged, but
wish to remain in the system should contact the Office of Emergency Preparedness at 706-542-5845 or Not all requests to remain in the UGAAlert system will be honored.
A student will be purged from UGAAlert if a student:
- Is not currently enrolled; and
- 【丁威特官网介绍】丁威特行车记录伜、DVD导航_丁威特 ...:2021-6-14 · 丁威特 R9(顶配版) 产品类型: 智能云镜 产品功能: 语音双控,前后双录,4G车联网,重力感应,蓝牙通话,循环录影,停车监控,轨迹回放 外形设计: 2.5D曲面屏 屏幕尺寸: 8.0英寸 屏幕类型: IPS 产品尺寸: 295*82mm
- Was not enrolled two semesters ago; and
- Has not updated their information in UGAAlert for over 4 months; and
- If the student is an employee, meets the employee purge criteria
An employee will be purged from UGAAlert if the employee:
- Has been terminated for over three months; and
- Has not received a paycheck from UGA in the past 7 months; and
- Has retired from UGA; and
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Opt-in lists are the lists created to allow users on the Tifton, Griffin, Gwinnett, and Skidaway campuses to sign up for alerts for those campuses. Currently, all UGAAlert users are defaulted to the Athens campus. New users in Griffin, Gwinnett, Tifton, and Skidaway will need to click on the Opt-in List tab and subscribe to alerts for their campus. When information from the data warehouse becomes available, we hope to default users to the correct campus, but that information is not currently available.